
In addition to nutrition and daily needs, your child will explore the world around them through language (babbling), gross motor skills and fine motor skills (holding a bottle independently).  Our teachers shower the infants with attention by holding them, singing to them, and rocking them periodically throughout the day.  These interactions help to foster their cognitive and emotional development.

In their classroom, teachers play with the babies on mats to encourage sitting up, crawling and standing.  Mirrors at floor-level stimulate recognition and encourage children to pull themselves up at the sight of their reflections.


  • Experiments with sounds and babbling, building language skills

    Uses voice to express feelings

    Uses speech-like sounds; may begin to say words

  • Exhibits some sense of size, color and shape recognition of objects in immediate environment

    Understands objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen

    Stacks toys/objects

  • Explores the world around them through their senses

    Begins to explore food with hands

    Becomes more aware of cause-and-effect relationships

  • Explores the world around them through their senses

    Begins to explore food with hands

    Becomes more aware of cause-and-effect relationships

  • Focuses and reaches for objects

    Begins developing problem-solving skills

    Enjoys repetition of activities, practicing and figuring out how things work

  • Rolls over, grasps with both hands and begins to sit with assistance

    Builds large muscles through crawling and standing

    Walks with adult support; may begin to walk alone