
Building Confidence in Toddlers

This program builds on the fine and gross motor skills being developed during the first year allowing for exploration and play in a safe, responsive setting.

Developing Learning Skills in Toddlers

Teachers listen attentively, talk through routines, and are sensitive to the types of activities that engage the child's attention to cultivate new, complex thinking skills. Teachers work closely with families about developmental accomplishments and prepare daily progress reports.


  • Points to objects when named

    Experiments with sounds

    Names familiar objects in books

  • Shows interest in colors and patterns

    Matches like shapes in simple puzzles

    Fills and empties objects from containers

  • Uses senses to explore

    Manipulates new toys/objects to see what they will do

    Shows interest in environment (rocks, clouds, etc.)

  • Begins to play independently

    Discovers how to respond to social situations

    Awareness of own feelings

  • Shows curiosity about new things

    Uses repetition to discover new skills

    Tries one or two solutions to play problems

  • Stacks blocks or toys

    Walks without help; begins climbing

    Makes marks with writing materials